ABC’s ‘Revenge’ season 4, episode 10 (winter finale) review: Who died … and how?

Revenge -Here is the tricky thing about hyping up all week long that you are going to have a big death at the end of the show: You really have to deliver.

Revenge” put itself in a heck of a tricky spot going into Sunday night’s episode, and we’ll give it some credit for actually managed to deliver. The crazy thing is that even though we saw this one coming at the start of this episode, it still managed to find a way to be shocking.

In the end, Daniel Grayson is gone. He sacrificed himself in a way to save Emily from Kate, and he died after she shot him multiple times. Jack then shot Kate, who he had thought was his girlfriend earlier in the episode before finding out the truth about who she really is: The daughter of Malcolm Black.

We suppose that the saddest thing about Daniel’s death is that the murderer here was someone who was not that important to the show until a few episodes ago, but he did get to leave in some ways as a redeemed character. There were so many out there who loved him with Emily, and as she told him in his dying minutes, not everything between the two of them was a completely lie.

Daniel leaves behind a pregnant girlfriend in Margaux, and this came as they were talking about trying to make the relationship work.

Obviously, his death sets the stage for other major events, including Malcolm Black turning up, and Victoria having yet another reason to hate Emily. He gave his life for a woman she hates, and she is not going to accept that easily.

Now, we just have to see if this shocking death will propel the story forward, or force it to come to a close. For now, we feel like there is momentum. Grade: A-.

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