‘Hart of Dixie’ season 4 spoilers: Rachel Bilson, Wilson Bethel, and fun in new promo

Hart of dixie -With there only being two more weeks until “Hart of Dixie” season 4 airs on  December 15, and finally, The CW is getting some of their promotional efforts together! For some more evidence of that, you don’t have to look any further than the promo below.

The bad news about this promo is that a good two-thirds of it is footage that has already been in some longer trailers that were released by the network, and the new stuff is mostly just a little snippet here or there. Still, isn’t it better than nothing at all?

Also, we feel like there is plenty in here still for fans of Zoe (Rachel Bilson) and Wade (Wilson Bethel) to be thoroughly excited about, since it does appear more than ever like “Zade” may actually be happening as a pair! These two have been going down the road of “will they or won’t they?” for quite a long time now, and we may be getting a little bit closer now to finally getting an answer.

Our guess? That they’ll make it happen, since eventually Rachel Bilson’s pregnancy is written into the show. This is one of the reasons why we figure that the show has a limited amount of footage it can show us, since it does not want to give away very much beyond just the events of the first episode or two.

That’s mere speculation on our part, though. After the premiere, you won’t see much more of the show until Friday, January 9, when the rest of the season starts to air.

Want to see some more video coverage related to “Hart of Dixie” right now? Then head over here, where you can see another preview video from this upcoming season! Also, sign up now to get some further TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)


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