‘American Horror Story: Freak Show’ episode 6 preview: How long will ‘Bullseye’ run?

Freak Show -Welcome to this latest edition of “American Horror Story: Freak Show” run times, where we try to make it pretty clear just how long every episode runs … mostly because for some reason the show just can’t seem to stop at the time in which it is supposed to. We say this sarcastically; most of the time, we’re happy to get much more of a good thing.

Case in point: Wednesday night’s new episode “Bullseye,” which is going to run until 11:13 p.m. Eastern time. Be sure to check your DVR accordingly if you are planning to record it. This will be the third-longest episode of the season so far, behind both of the first two episodes, which went on for around 90 minutes or so, including commercials.

Why make the episodes so darn long? It’s mostly because they can, and also because there is so much success with the show, there’s no real motivation to actually end it early. FX is almost thinking of their shows these days as the equivalent of something that is airing on HBO or Showtime. Most of the time, these shows run between 48-55 minutes an episode, but can fit them within an hour because of a lack of commercial breaks. FX has ads, but they want to give their shows the same treatment.

Some of what the show needs to get through in “Bullseye” is seeing what happens to Dandy now that he has a new set of “companions” in the form of Bette and Dot, who were shipped here mostly so that Elsa can BE A STAR! Like that is really happening, based on who Stanley is. Also, we have to figure out if Matt Bomer’s character is dead, or is wandering around somewhere like the Black Knight in Monty Pyhton fashion.

We discussed everything about “Pink Cupcakes” yesterday in our official podcast, so be sure to go over here and watch it right now. Also, you can sign up today to get some more great scoop on all we cover (which will never terrify you) via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo via FX.)

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