‘Selfie’: Karen Gillan series canceled by ABC; ‘Forever’ earns full season

Selfie -It looks like you’re going to have to see selfies somewhere other than ABC from here on out; the network has made the comedy the latest official cancellation of the fall TV season.

We honestly feel a little sad for “Selfie” now. It had a great cast led by Karen Gillan and John Cho, and seemed to be doomed mostly by a pretty terrible pilot. It actually got much better as the show progressed, and if it had a different title and some better momentum right out of the gate, it probably would not be in this position right now.

The one bit of silver lining we can offer you is that per Deadline, the show is still on ABC’s schedule for Tuesday. They have simply decided to not make any more than the original 13 episodes. It could still be pulled if the ratings sink even further; if nothing else, we know that they would like to give Marvel’s “Agents of SHIELD” a slightly better lead-in.

This continues the trend of horribly-performing comedies on network TV at the moment. ABC had already canceled “Manhattan Love Story” and pulled it from the schedule entirely. Meanwhile, NBC recently gave “Bad Judge” and “A to Z” the 13-episode-only treatment. Fox has already reduced their order for “Mulaney,” and while it is not officially canceled, that does seem like something that will be coming around the bend soon enough.

On a different note, ABC has also officially picked up “Forever” for a full 22-episode season. While its numbers have not been outstanding, it has at least performed better than “Selfie,” and it is format-wise the sort of thing that could keep an audience even if they miss an episode or two along the way.

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