‘Law & Order: SVU’ season 16, episode 6 video: The focus of ‘Glasgowman’s Watch’

Law & Order: SVU logoWhat is coming up next on “Law & Order: SVU”? Wednesday night marks a return for the show after a week off of the air, and the episode itself feels very much like one that was probably intended at first to air the week before Halloween in “Glasgowman’s Watch.”

The sneak peek video below gives you at least a basic sense of what the premise for this episode will be. We have ultimately three young girls who are trying to discover a mythical person in the woods known as the Glasgowman, and this entire ordeal has something about it that feels very “Blair Watch.”

Ultimately, it does appear as though they find something out there, or the better translation is that something finds them. From here, chaos seems to ensue, and the drop of the camera means that their captor has caught them.

While this all on the surface feels very creepy and almost supernatural, there is sure to be a logical and probably even-more-horrifying reason behind all of this. The SVU is going to get involved in some way, and that is something we will focus on a little bit more in the next sneak peek for this episode.

If nothing else, we can at least confirm right now that this story represents a pretty substantial change of pace from what we saw during the last new episode, which took a hard look at a controversial film industry, and a woman who was judged by her profession to the point where her “no” no longer meant “no.” Basically, it was incredibly depressing. Let’s hope for more justice this time around.

(Photo via NBC.)

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