‘Game of Thrones’ season 5: Emilia Clarke has celebration (with cake) on set
Is Emilia Clarke really a birthday girl this week? There’s a surprising amount of conversation all about a date, mostly because the actress was spotted with a very nice House Targeryan-themed cake on the show’s set.
The first thing that we should really point out here is that ultimately, it really doesn’t matter much about why the “Game of Thrones” star gets to celebrate. She gets cake! That is really the thing to be the most happy about if we were in her shoes.
The twist here is that there’s been some dispute about whether or this is for her birthday, given that many websites out there claim that she was born on May 1. However, TooFab reports that her real birthday was at some point this week, which is what she was really celebrating here with some of the cast and crew.
Regardless of when her birthday is, another big thing to consider here is what this entire impromptu celebration represents: The love that so many of her colleagues have for her, that they were willing to go through all of this trouble.
We’re not going to say a whole lot more about production, given that the last thing we want to know when it comes to this season are spoilers. The premiere is in March or April, and we can at least tell you for now that the show is being filmed everywhere from Northern Ireland to Spain to Croatia and so much more. No expense is spared when it comes to making this hit as good as possible.
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