‘Doctor Who’ season 8: Steven Moffat on what comes with recasting character

Doctor Who -We really have to go back several decades to thank whoever created the idea of the Doctor regenerating on “Doctor Who.” Without it, we have no idea how we would be where we are right now.

At this point, it would be unexpected if there was a Doctor who wanted to stay forever, given that this is just not how this show works. With an exit for one Doctor comes the arrival of another, and this will eventually lead to Peter Capaldi stepping down, just as it will Jenna Coleman leaving as many other Companions have done over the years.

While at Mipcom this week, Steven Moffat was asked about this regeneration process during a panel on science fiction. Specifically, he said (per Deadline) that one of the joys of the show is being able to recreate itself on such a regular basis:

“It’s the best example of a recast ever. Not only do you change the lead. Each Doctor is quite different. We say the Doctor’s personality rearranges itself. That means Doctor Who can be a star vehicle and yet counterintuitively it can be a star vehicle for now 12 different actors. It’s a brand new show every few years.”

Even after this year, there could be more flux when it comes to the “Doctor Who” universe. The rumor mill has been going strong with chatter that we could eventually see the end of Coleman’s time on the show, but that has not been confirmed. We do know, however, that we are going to see at least one more season with Capaldi (hooray to that).

There is even going to be some flux and a role-reversal on this weekend’s upcoming new episode of the show. Want to see what we are talking about right now? Then head over to the link here! Also, you can sign up to get some further scoop on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

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