‘The X Factor’ UK review: Did Chloe Jasmine, Kerrianne Covell, Lauren Platt win Cheryl Cole over?

The judges -Tonight, “The X Factor” wrapped up its Judges Houses phase of the competition with Cheryl Cole, who was responsible for the Girls this season. This is an interesting category this year, given that there are not too many we would consider to be breakout stars, even if some still qualify as good singers.

Lauren Platt – A very good singer, and someone who we really didn’t take as seriously in the early going as we should have. She has shown herself to be supremely talented, and has already improved over time.

Kerrianne Covell – We loved her earlier auditions, but here, she seemed to almost be having to fun here at all. This could mean some trouble for her.

Chloe Jasmine – She is the closest thing that the category has to a star, which is weird to say because we understand some hate her singing voice and her posh attitude. She just stands out from the crowd and isn’t trying to be any other modern artist. With that said, she may be too much of a throwback.

Stephanie Nala – Wait, are we supposed to call her Steph, or Stephanie? The show’s starting to confuse us a little bit? She is talented regardless, but without Luminites she looks at times like a deer in the headlights.

Emily Middlemas – There is real talent with Emily, but you also have to remember one other thing: She’s only 15 years old. There’s no real need for her to be put through this year.

Lola Saunders – We can tell this means a lot to her, and she can really sing. But, we do wish that we would see a contestant come on here and say that regardless what happens, it’s not stopping them. They want the platform of the show, but this won’t make or break their life.

Results – Cheryl took Stephanie, Lauren, and Chloe. This is somewhat polarizing, since we feel like Lola was a better overall package than Lauren right now, even if she brought more to the table recently.

Who was your favorite of the Girls, and do you think that Cheryl made the right decision? Share in the comments, and head over here to see Simon Cowell’s ultimate decision! You can also sign up to get some further TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: ITV

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