‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: The jury house, Dan Gheesling, and when the timer ends
We thought for a while this week that we were going to see a double-eviction-style episode of “Big Brother 16” tonight, but then we started to do the math when it comes to the counter going down in the house.
We still feel our predictions from last night when it comes to the various possible nominations is applicable, but it will take longer for everything to play out. It will be after the 30-minute mark when the timer ends tonight, which is hardly enough time to do a full week’s worth of “Big Brother.” You will probably get the new Head of Household Competition, and probably not a whole lot else.
Here is some of what you can expect to see in the episode tonight.
The jury house – Hooray! We actually get to see Zach, Donny, and Nicole again. Basically, the jury right now is more likable for the most part than the actual house. Hopefully, some in there have realized that it really is Derrick running the show and not Frankie.
Highlights – We’ll probably see a little of Derrick’s elaborate plan to make him and Victoria seem at odds, which he has called his version of Dan Gheesling’s funeral … even though it’s really not, since Dan was actually in danger when he pulled his big move off.
Also, maybe they will show us some of the houseguests with Izzy the dog, but it may take some added explanation since the vote to bring her in was for the live-feed viewers and not those on the show.
Dan’s appearance – The “Big Brother 10” winner and season 14 runner-up will actually be in attendance tonight to discuss the show, which will hopefully make for a good little segment. If Derrick wins this season, the idea of him, Dan, and Dr. Will on a future season would be the stuff of dreams as far as strategy goes. We don’t know if any of them would do it, but still.
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Photo: CBS