‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: An early Power of Veto Ceremony
Given that “Big Brother 16” is having a six-day week now thanks to the schedule change, this also means that changes need to be done with some of the events that take place in the house.
For example, the Veto Ceremony was shifted up to Sunday in order to give a few days between now and the live show Wednesday, and in a bizarre twist, the feeds even leaked during it. Frankie talked all about holding a ton of power, and seemed to be campaigning for jury votes with people still in the house.
In the end, Frankie did not use the Veto, and this means that Victoria and Cody will stay on the block going into the show Wednesday night … not that this matters. The BB Rewind twist will make all of this useless, but we do love the idea that Frankie goes on and on this week about how powerful he is in the game, only to see him get completely shocked when the show Wednesday takes place.
Hopefully, the next few days will serve as a great way to find out more information about what the other houseguests want to do, just to see if someone like Derrick could make a big move if he wins Head of Household on Wednesday. Frankie clearly needs to go if any of these other people want to keep him from getting $50,000 at the end of the game. All he does is continually win competitions, and he is the biggest threat by far out of anyone left. Plus, he could win the game just because people are afraid of the Ariana fans.
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Photo: CBS