‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: The Derrick photo scandal and a Zach ‘holla’
What was that, the ghost of Zach Rance floating back into “Big Brother 16“? Well, he was one of many people who made a fun little cameo late last night in the form of a “Holla” to Derrick.
While the video below features hollas from both Donny and Hayden as well, Zach’s is clearly the best one of the group given that he incorporates a certain trademark line into it, and almost everyone is overjoyed to hear from then again. We miss Zach on the live feeds just about every day; he was not the best player in the history of the show, but he had a ton of heart and was really funny to watch go off on people.
As for another big highlight (or controversy?) last night, Derrick received a photo that he did not want to display in the house for some reason, and Twitter scuttlebutt is high that there may have been something in it that gave away he either was a cop, or had ties to the profession. If this is true (we never got a good look at it on the feeds), production really needs to be booed louder than Christine even was last night. We don’t like the idea of Derrick’s perfect game being ruined by some outside interference. Sure, things may be boring with him in charge, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles!
There is still plenty of time left to discuss nominations, but it really does not matter too much given that the golden button renders almost this entire week useless. Victoria will be the target, and probably also will be the second time around unless someone new wins Head of Household other than Frankie.
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Photo: CBS