‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Backing up the bus
As we’ve referenced time and time again this week, the “Big Brother” live feeds are incredibly dull right now. Trying to come up with something interesting to write about is no easy task.
At least now, we are at a point where the Detonators (plus Caleb and Victoria) are going to have to turn on each other starting with Thursday’s double eviction, and thanks to this, some of the smarter players are already doing what they can to prepare for something substantial going down.
The person in the most danger, judging from some of the conversations that we’ve seen right now, is Frankie. Christine wants him out, Cody wants him out, and Victoria wants him out. Caleb also does, but he cannot play in the next Head of Household Competition. The only saving grace he has is that certain people also want Christine out, and Derrick would rather her leave before Frankie than vice-versa, mostly because he knows that Frankie would take him to the end and Christine probably would not. She is really the only person in this group he can not really control.
What is so brilliant about the spot that Derrick is in, though, is that he has Christine and Cody complaining about Frankie, and everyone else complaining about Christine. He has managed to construct this is a way that no matter who wins Thursday, he’s safe. Everyone is too busy throwing others under the bus, and the clear final four right now is Caleb, Cody, Victoria, and Derrick. Caleb’s probably the most obvious outsider there, but he doesn’t really know that.
If you missed our article earlier in the day, head over here to get some our feature about why this may be the most-boring season to date. Also, you can sign up to get other TV updates via our CarterMatt Newsletter.
Photo: CBS
September 3, 2014 @ 3:58 am
If all of these people wanted Frankie out they missed their best chance this week.