‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Victoria, Frankie Grande, words and controversy
This season of “Big Brother” is turning out to be a bore, but at the same time, the show is being subjected now to such controversy that you would think all of a sudden that you were back in season 15.
Specifically, we mean this when we are talking about Frankie Grande. This is the guy who is supposed to be about love, and came into the game with thousands of fans thanks to his sister or otherwise. Yet, he makes a “joke” about how all the male houseguests should take “all of [Victoria’s] virginities” in one night. This is something we referenced as happening late yesterday, but now that this story is starting to blow up, it is worth some further discussion.
The real way to look at this here is just that it’s awful. Do we think Frankie meant it? Of course not, but even joking about something that could be construed as rape is not only horrible and awful, but also pretty stupid. Remember what Spencer said about children last year that got an investigation started into him? You have to hink that these people were all informed about this stuff before the game, and told to watch what they saw on here. TMZ picked up this story today, with Victoria’s family saying they want an apology from both Frankie and Ariana Grande. We feel like Frankie SHOULD apologize at some point, but asking his sister for one just seems like you’re on a mission or something. She shouldn’t be responsible for something stupid that her brother did.
What’s also strange about all of this is that Derrick and Frankie were spreading rumors earlier in the season that Zach was saying terrible things that were disrespectful to women, and Derrick said he would bash Zach’s teeth in if he continued such behavior to a woman in his life. However, Zach never said anything this bad, and Derrick was there when Frankie made this comment, laughing all the way. You know that production wants to bury Frankie if this is in the show this week.
To make sure it’s clear and not one-sided, Victoria has also said tome pretty bad stuff in the game, including calling Christine some very nasty words today behind her back. It wasn’t nearly as sick as Frankie’s comment, but it still happened.
What are you most surprised about: That Frankie said this, or that the houseguests do not know better than to go down this road at this point? Share below, and head over here to get further “Big Brother” scoop right now. You can also sign up if you want further TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter.
Photo: CBS
Becki Ellison Minge
September 4, 2014 @ 12:44 am
I would be filthy rich if I got a buck for all the times Victoria checked herself out when passing a mirror.
September 1, 2014 @ 4:44 am
at no point was he saying rape her if u watch the live feed u would know they all where planning to get drunk and christine says dont make love to victoria because she becomes flirtatious when shes drunk even making out with the houseguest. what frankie said and was implying was once all of you are drunk u should double team her (have a threesome) this is where You are twisting what was actually said after that comment he then says about the guys hooking up with him. “You with the beer goggles on and me in full drag” and Derrick says “Yeah, I think I could F*** you with the zingbot glasses on, goggles on”. derrick was talking to Frankie, not about Victoria. And Cody says, “Ah dude, that’s fing terrible” and they start laughing. That’s when Derrick does the motion, aimed at Frankie, not Victoria.
stop spreading false claims…
September 1, 2014 @ 3:56 am
Everyone in the house knows Victoria would not consent to sex if sober. Suggesting and joking about getting a girl drunk to do things she wouldn’t otherwise do (or just not saying no to having things done to her) is very wrong. There is a debate in many parts of society concerning whether or not a drunk person can give consent. Rightly or wrongly, many people in high school and college are being charged with rape, tried as adults, and some have had their lives ruined. This is an issue that is gaining more scrutiny as we in society see what happens when similar circumstances are recorded, such as when a high school student in California killed herself after pictures were spread round her school of boys molesting her while she was passed out.
This issue is one in which mainstream views are currently evolving as more and more cases come to light. To make the best of a bad situation, I would love to see Julie Chen devote a segment to this subject on The Talk. Women need to realize the risks involved in binge drinking and men the risks involved in “taking advantage”. Everyone has more to lose.
September 1, 2014 @ 4:45 am
you guys are taking this too far at no point was he saying rape her if u watch the live feed u would know they all where planning to get drunk and christine says dont make love to victoria because she becomes flirtatious when shes drunk even making out with the houseguest. what frankie said and was implying was once all of you are drunk u should double team her (have a threesome) this is where You are twisting what was actually said after that comment he then says about the guys hooking up with him. “You with the beer goggles on and me in full drag” and Derrick says “Yeah, I think I could F*** you with the zingbot glasses on, goggles on”. derrick was talking to Frankie, not about Victoria. And Cody says, “Ah dude, that’s fing terrible” and they start laughing. That’s when Derrick does the motion, aimed at Frankie, not Victoria.
stop spreading false claims…
September 2, 2014 @ 9:06 pm
Frankie said “Get her drunk and double team her and TAKE ALL HER VIRGINITIES”. It’s not false claims, it’s not “taking it too far” it’s not twisting his words because it’s all on tape and there is no way to shade that to make it even possibly ok. “Take” implies without permission. “All her virginities” implies something that most virgins don’t dive right into their first time, if ever. That was a disgusting thing to say. How would he feel if someone on tv “jokingly” said this about his sister that he name-drops all the time.
September 2, 2014 @ 9:31 pm
he didnt say “get her drunk and double team her” if he did then that would be rape…..if u watch the whole convo which was 5 minutes long cody and caleb said they are going to get drunk and have a good time and double team her meaning have a threesome…once again u are twisting his word now have a nice day…if u are sure show me where he said get her drunk
September 2, 2014 @ 9:57 pm
I stand corrected. I re-listened to it and you were right. He did not say get her drunk. He was only suggesting that once she was drunk, they should then double team her and take all her virginites when she was too intoxicated to give her consent. Is that really any better? He is implying that 2 guys screw a girl that has held onto her virginity in every hole possible when she is drunk. How are you possibly defending this? This guy is a turd.
September 3, 2014 @ 8:39 pm
im defending him because people are taking his comment the wrong people are only watching a small clip of the convo and dont understand why the convo came up in no way did the guys say to wait until shes drunk. all of them were getting drunk not only victoria
August 31, 2014 @ 11:14 pm
I think a lot of people are twisting and miscontruing words. Nowhere in that comment did he insinuate RAPE. It was a, not funny, THREESOME joke. A threesome is not rape. A direct quote is “[Caleb and Cody] should tag team her and take all of [Victoria’s] virginites”. Nowhere in that conversation did he say it would be unconsensual sex, and nowhere in that conversation did he say he condoned rape. So yeah, this whole thing is foolishness.
By the way, you can tell that Victoria’s family is just BEGGING for attention by asking his famous sister for an apology.
August 31, 2014 @ 10:46 pm
I think at some point they forget they are being watched by millions of people and let their true selves come out.
September 2, 2014 @ 9:07 pm
Yep, they can only hide the crazy for so long.