‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Who won Head of Household? (Endurance updates)
Tonight, we have the first real endurance competition on “Big Brother 16” really since the premiere. With that in mind, we are pleased to be coming on here reviving an old tradition: Live updates of the entire thing.
We’re going to start now at around 6:50 p.m. Big Brother time, but we’ll be right here with you posting updates until it’s over. Let’s just hope that the show continues the old tradition of allowing you to watch most of the action go down on the feeds; otherwise, this is a truly sad state of affairs for those of you who shelled out that cash.
6:50 – We just learned that this is the slippery competition where you have to fill up the bowls with liquid, which is a bummer since that means Nicole’s not very likely to win it. With that being said, Donny probably wouldn’t have the stamina for it, either.
6:53 – We are just starting to get a look at this competition, but it already looks like Caleb’s going to win this. If nothing else, though, this is worth the entertainment value of watching people wipe out.
7:00 – The show is now over, and we’re waiting for the live feeds to come back on. They typically do for this competition.
7:02 – Feeds are back already!
7:04 – The thing about this competition is that it’s typically easy to call from the first few minutes. It already looks like Caleb has this, unless he falls down and quits like he did during that one Battle of the Block.
7:19 – Caleb and Frankie are now in the best positions, but the camera angles make it hard to see if Caleb is really that far ahead or not.
7:30 – Sorry, Frankie haters, but it appears like he is now really getting out in front. Caleb has a great strategy getting down to his snowman head to fill it up, but Frankie is better getting back.
7:36 – Christine is doing surprisingly well, and is close to Caleb and Frankie. Derrick feels like these three are all around equal.
7:43 – This challenge is actually bucking the trend of the person who starts strong, stays strong. Caleb has sort of fallen back while Christine has surged, and Nicole may actually now be in the running. It’s only fitting that with this being an endurance competition, who wants it the most will become a priority.
7:50 – Nicole has almost caught up to Christine and Frankie.
7:55 – The three we’ve mentioned are all making progress, but it looks like there is still well over an hour to go here.
8:03 – Caleb seems to be back in it again, and with some repeated Nicole wipeouts, she’s in jeopardy.
8:20 – Derrick is clearly going to win the $5,000. He realized that he was far behind the others, and he could use the extra cash. This will help to make up for that botched Team America mission.
8:34 – After all of this drama, it appears as though Caleb has a pretty firm lead now on the group.
8:52 – It seems to be Christine and Caleb now in the lead, but once again, the cameras are making it hard to see who is really on top.
9:09 – Derrick officially takes the $5,000, and dedicates it to his daughter, who he just saw a little earlier in the show.
9:17 – It still appears as though Caleb is leading, but there is not a whole lot of tangible proof available beyond what the houseguests are saying.
9:22 – Finally, a clearer look shows that Caleb is clearly in the lead. Pending a shocker, this is his for the taking.
9:26 – It’s pretty clear: Caleb is your winner! This should be an interesting week, given that he will probably try to just evict Nicole or Victoria. However, crazier things have happened…
Photo: CBS
August 29, 2014 @ 4:59 pm
Too funny, any other summer this would be an exciting time in the BB world. Instead of calling it boring, it’s more like nobody cares. We’re tired of watching the Derrick clones acting like they have no minds of their own. Or Cody in his ‘Big Moves’ speeches (to himself) I know, lets watch bridezilla wife Christine totally humiliate her wuss husband on national TV. Her own family looked devestated last night when the subject was brought up. Yes Christine, your Pastor has probably heard all about it. But I’m sure he understands that all the groping under the covers, it’s all for money. So it’s O.K., hey prostitutes do it every day, right? Maybe if she was good looking, we could understand the attraction. ‘At the end of the day’ I’d promise CBS that I’m done watching. I’m sure they’ve heard that line a lot lately.