‘Longmire’ season 4 debate: Should this Walt storyline be resolved soon?
Even with “Longmire” on the air, we’ve been trying to continue Longmire Mondays as much as we possibly can here while we wait for a season 4 renewal. In this feature, we talk concepts related to the show, speculate about the future, and also discuss key moments.
Today, the subject matter is clear: Should the case of Walt’s late wife be completely resolved during the upcoming fourth season? It’s been a fabric of the story since the beginning, and with the cliffhanger that we had at the end of season 3, it’s not slowing down.
Granted, we’re sure that you could make the case that technically, we know now in between David Ridges and Barlow Connally every single person who was responsible for what happened. However, we have yet to see a full essence of justice. Instead, season 3 ended with Barlow seemingly shooting his son Branch after he realized that he was about to be found out.
In theory, maybe it is possible that everything gets close to resolved in the season 4 premiere; Barlow misses, Branch gets his father behind bars, and we’re golden. On the flip side, maybe Barlow gets away and a manhunt begins. Given where the show left things off, we are okay with the show continuing this trajectory … for now. There may only be a few more episodes that can really be mined out of this now that we know all of the key players.
Even if the show continues to mine from this story, we feel like the time is right to set up a new, long-form mystery that unifies the team, gets them a common enemy, and pushes them to the limits. Think for example what happened with the Trinity Killer on “Dexter,” or the Rosie story on “The Killing.” This show could use something new in this vein, even if they do want to continue with a procedural story here and there.
At the end of season 3, the writing and acting for “Longmire” rose to a new level. We want to see that continue, and not settle down into a groove where the show bides its time with a central mystery. Walt can still have a great sense of purpose even after Barlow is captured.
What do you think: How much more of this storyline do you think we need in season 4? Share in the comments, and for some further updates on the “Longmire” cast and more, click here. You can also sign up for some further TV updates now via our CarterMatt Newsletter.
Photo: A&E
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August 27, 2014 @ 9:57 pm
We like the series and were very disappointed that the network feels it’s okay to waffle about the continuation of it. The advertisers better learn that the under 50 crowd doesn’t have the disposable income that I have to spend. I have had enough of the appeal to 30-something audiences. This Longmire series is something I can watch with my husband and we think it is a lot of fun.
PS We are in our 70’s, retired professionals and like to be entertained, rather than be subjected to the shallow stuff we have seen on TV recently with Duck Dynasty and some of the “reality” shows. Real life is not like that. And what’s wrong with wanting a good modern Western???????
August 26, 2014 @ 7:17 pm
After 33 episodes, it is time to end who killed Walt’s wife and why. We know who and why. Would like to see Walt and Henry work with the rez police chief Mathias, and have Ferg more involved. Yes, a new long – term mystery with new characters would be welcome. Enough of Barlow and Nighthorse. Need a couple of 20-30 year old actors to appeal to the under 50 crowd, that the advertisers want.
August 25, 2014 @ 10:17 pm
The Miller Beck shooting and the Connally involvement is just the “tip of an iceberg” that’s very deep and is a much more twisted than this tip showed. The history between Walt and Katy on one side and Branch and Barlow on the other side is goes back to long-standing range wars of the 1880s. Depending on who you talk to and what incident is recalled, either side takes the role of protagonist and alternately antagonist. Walt has a past, too, you know. So does Barlow. It’s why the connection between Branch and Katy is a bit awkward.