‘Pretty Little Liars’ season 5 summer finale spoilers: Ali’s interrogation
Tuesday night’s “Pretty Little Liars” is going to be a big one, and you know that just thanks to the title alone: “Taking This One to the Grave.” There will be a character death, and along with that, there will also be a few opportunities to try and figure out just what in the world is going on with Alison DiLaurentis.
The video below is the first slice of proof that you need that Ali is willing to work with the police right now, and the fact that she is taking a lie detector test is very bad news for Hanna, Spencer, and most of all Aria given that it could put her in New York around the time of Shana’s death.
Is it possible that Ali can bust a lie detector, and she has some mysterious motives here that we do not know about? It’s possible, mostly because there are many times in the past already that we have managed to be completely surprised. We’ll just have to see where this story goes for the rest of the episode, and then the rest of the season as a whole. After all, there is still another half of the season still to go after this one, and this includes the Christmas Special, happening this year for the first time.
As we said recently, we still feel like Ali is one of the characters most-likely to die in the finale, mostly because you wouldn’t imagine she would so quickly after coming back. Also, it restores the show more to its original premise of the four Liars.
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Photo: ABC Family