‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Christine’s going to be bathing in blood
So should we go ahead and stop all of this “Christine is a great ‘Big Brother‘ player?” talk right now? What we are mostly learning is that she’s doing a few sociopath-esque moves now that are going to get her in very hot water with the jury.
Let’s recap here: Christine made a deal with Nicole that neither one would nominate the other this week. Now, she’s heavily considering nominating Nicole over Victoria as a replacement nominee … but only if there are guarantees that Nicole leaves this week. While it would be cool to finally have someone go from Head of Household to out the door in a week, it’s also an idiotic move on her part to do this.
What’s the biggest reason for this? Think along the lines of the fact that there is absolutely zero reason to get out Nicole this week. She has no huge allies in the game, she’s not as big a competition threat in general as Donny, and most of all, she’s not coming after Christine. Nicole wants out Frankie and Derrick / Cody the most it seems. Why not use her? Donny, meanwhile, does not get along with Christine, and would probably put her and Derrick on the block if he is given an opportunity to do so at some point.
If Christine does this, she’s sending someone to the jury who will probably be really bitter … and Hayden and Jocasta probably would not vote for her, either. At this point, she’s getting herself in a situation where she may need to be against Victoria in the end if she wants to have any hope of winning. Zach could even smoke her in front of her peers in the game.
If Christine puts up Nicole, how bad of a move is it? Share below, and head over here to get some further scoop from last night, and details on the football trip. You can also sign up now for further TV scoop on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter.
Photo: CBS
August 11, 2014 @ 5:35 pm
As long as Donny is saved this week, I don’t care how it happens. I also am no fan of Christine so I don’t care about her well-being in the game either.
August 11, 2014 @ 5:48 pm
I’m with you. Donny seems to be a really good guy. Not sure if it’s editing or not but I like him. He sure has more sense then some of them fools.