‘Big Brother 16’ review: Zach Attack is attacked by superhero comics

Zach -Tonight’s “Big Brother 16” was a sad one to watch in many ways. It’s been a boring week in the house yet again, and it’s also felt pretty obvious that Zach will be leaving the game on Thursday night thanks mostly to things that he didn’t even really say.

Still, tonight’s episode further showed the problem with players like him, who spend so much time trying to be a character that they forget to play the game. He isn’t checking up with his alliance members like he should, and the same goes for Frankie. The Detonators are seemingly falling apart now, with Cody and Derrick starting to gravitate a little bit more towards another alliance in the Rationale with Nicole and Hayden.

So with strategy so far on the low, we have to instead try to focus on some of the other parts of this episode that made it at least moderately fun.

  1. Seeing the Adam and Eve Diary Room sessions was pretty great, mostly as Victoria did her best Britney Haynes – trying to shoot herself move.
  2. The comic books during the Power of Veto were quite frankly awesome, especially in that they somehow made people like Caleb and Deivn look even more ridiculous than they already did.
  3. Zach’s complete meltdown during the Veto Competition was just as advertised, and once again proof that the guy never really stops and thinks things over properly. He had the two right piece the whole time, but in the wrong order!
  4. Christine making it fairly clear that while she wants Zach out, she still wants the Detonators to succeed. This is bad strategy on her part. While we know he put her on the block, she was never the target for him. This is different, and the fact that she wants out a member of her alliance is trouble. Basically, Christine has sank her game very quickly within this past week with all of the lies she’s told and been caught on.

Overall, a fun episode at times, but the lifeless nature of this season is starting to show. We’re somewhat biased admittedly as a Zach fan, but nobody else is stirring the pot at all. Grade: C+.

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Photo: CBS

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