‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Will the Veto winner use it?
We waited for a long, long time (to quote the creepy guy from “True Detective“) to find out who the Power of Veto winner was in the “Big Brother 16” house last night. Now that we know who it is, we are feeling slightly underwhelmed.
With Christine in possession on the necklace, this is the time where she has to draw a line in the sand … and for now, that line seems to be drawn on the side of the Detonators more than anything she has with Hayden and Nicole. Given that Nicole has gravitated more towards a different alliance in the Rationales (her, Hayden, Derrick, and Cody), this may actually be the smart thing for her to do.
Right now, Christine plans on not using the Veto, which is a not-so-subtle dig at Zach for him saying that she never does anything last week. Even if the two are technically a part of the same alliance, she realizes that using it would probably mean that someone else like Frankie would be nominated in his place. To her, there’s no real need to anger someone she’s actually closer with. We still don’t feel like Christine really needed to win this, but as we said a second ago, she probably let Zach get in her head and made her want to win something. The problem is that this may not be that great for her game long-term.
As for whether Zach stays, it is still ironically up in the air. It may be even more complicated than that now, given that Derrick and Cody are in the Rationales, and they are going to both argue to keep him on the basis that he is a constant target. Why get rid of someone when you really don’t have to? Jocasta is really just as dangerous in that she, like Paola, is a super-pawn. She will go up a million times, and if you’re sitting next to her, you probably have a good chance of going home.
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Photo: CBS
August 3, 2014 @ 7:33 pm
What a hugely disappointing week this is shaping up to be.