‘Supernatural’ season 10 spoilers: Jensen Ackles on ‘challenge’ of Demon Dean
If you are excited to see a new side of Jensen Ackles’ Dean on “Supernatural” season 10, trust us when we say that you are just one of many. This is a chance to see a very different dimension to the character than we have before, and one that will hopefully be both fun and also somewhat frightening.
For Jensen himself, the biggest challenge in taking on this new twist for the character may have just been having to grow accustomed to him straight out of the gate. As he tells TVLine in a new interview, he basically had to find his footing with the character while also directing an episode of the show at the same time:
“Yeah, demon Dean. I had to introduce a new character. We shot this episode first so that I could prep without having to work on another episode. It’ll air third, but it’s the first time that I had to play demon Dean. So that was a bit of a curveball, trying to direct and introduce a new character, a new version of Dean that we’ve never seen before. That was a big challenge to grapple with.”
What Jensen is trying to do here is not an easy thing for anyone, but we also feel like it’s got to be some of the most fun that he’s had in a while. In between being a demon and having the Mark of Cain, you can expect to see a guy who is completely unhinged, having fun, and not thinking of any of his actions before doing them.
Is there anything in particular that you want to see from Dean on “Supernatural” moving forward? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to also head over here in the event that you want to get some more news pertaining to the show. Also, sign up now to get a whole lot more scoop on all we cover via our newsletter!
Photo: The CW
July 25, 2014 @ 10:50 am
All this takes me back to seasons 4 and 5 when Dean arguably last had a real bona fide storyline, I forgot what it was like to have this many Dean spoilers, for Jensen to be able to talk about his character outside the context of being Sam’s brother, and there’s so much about I am a little overwhelmed to be honest. This could be a landmark season, I’m glad the writers have finally decided to be brave with regards to Dean and I cannot wait to see Jensen sink his teeth into this storyline. This should all be about Dean rediscovering himself, realising what makes him happy and what doesn’t, and we get some cool aspects too such as demon!Dean and Crowley facing off, and Dean becoming a mega demon too as he has the Mark of Cain. Cannot wait.
July 24, 2014 @ 3:16 am
Love the potential of this storyline. Jensen is always amazing but it will be awesome to see what he can do with something this meaty.
July 24, 2014 @ 2:26 am
I haven’t been this excited about Supernatural since S3 when Dean was headed to hell. I’m thrilled that the writers of this show are finally allowing him to do something new and different and meaty. It’s about time. I’m so looking forward to S10 of this show, Can’t believe, I’m saying that, but it’s true. So much love for this Jensen article.
July 23, 2014 @ 10:23 pm
I can’t wait for this. This is the first time I’ve been excited over the show since Purgatory. Purgatory was cut off at the knees, but I hope that Carver doesn’t end the Mark of Cain story too soon.
It’s so great seeing Dean do something besides watch out for Sam. Kudos to Jensen and I know he’ll do a fantastic job. I can’t wait to get to know DemonDean.