‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: The Veto Ceremony, and drama for nothing

Cody -For a few minutes on Monday, we legitimately thought that the Veto Ceremony on “Big Brother 16” was going to actually be exciting. Head of Household Cody was seriously stressing, especially after he proclaimed that he was going to play his own game and put Caleb on the block as a replacement nominee. This would have at least given us an interesting few days.

Unfortunately, all of this hoopla resulted in very little actually happening. Donny was named the replacement nominee, and while he’s not the target to go home, anything could happen between now and Thursday. Donny made a pretty passionate plea to save himself from the block beforehand, and this is part of where the Caleb plan came from. There was also some brief talk about nominating Nicole.

Even though this move still happened, Cody did learn some valuable information about some of the other people in his alliance … namely Frankie. It came back to him that Frankie was trying to wash his hands in the house of any guilt when it came to nominations, and wanted to throw everything in Cody’s direction. This is going to be a problem down the road for him. Cody is not as good as Andy with the whole “running around the house and telling people things” strategy.

Cody seems to already be upset about nominating Donny, referring to himself as a “p***y” and apologizing to the guy he put up again and again. Donny and Brittany, meanwhile, have started to recognize the pecking order and Devin was at least partially right here. One of them will go this week, then it will possibly be either the remaining one or Jocasta. We don’t necessarily believe this, given that there are some plans to get Amber out of the game soon.

We’ll have some more from later in the day soon, but you can as always see more “Big Brother” highlights in the attached sidebar or at the link here. Also, be sure to sign up for some more TV scoop on all we cover via our newsletter.

Photo: CBS

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