‘Supernatural’ season 10 spoilers: Boss on Jensen Ackles’ Dean in demon form
“Supernatural” season 9 came to a conclusion that few saw coming, mostly because it was so hard to. Who ever imagined that Dean Winchester would become a demon in the same vein as some other characters?
The interesting thing that comes from this transformation now is that even though you may want to excuse some of Dean’s new behavior or try to find some explanation for it, the truth here is that there is going to be a dark series of episodes ahead, and there is no one that Dean can hold as responsible for his own actions other than Dean himself.
For more on this, just take a look at what show boss Jeremy Carver said to TVLine in a new interview:
“Dean is not possessed by anything. It’s his own soul that’s been twisted into a demon soul, so this demon is not anyone other than Dean. So every thought, every action, that’s Dean, as opposed to some other demon possessing him. So while he’s a demon, that causes some complication of thought in him in that, ‘This is really me doing it.’ It also motivates a certain bravado. ‘Yeah, this is me doing and owning it!’ There’s a real period for Dean of deciding how dark he’s going to be and what kind of demon he’s going to be, because he can’t blame it on anyone else but himself. And then afterwards is when it will have the most effect on him because it was him. It was his actions that led him to becoming a demon. He pushed it with the Mark. He pushed Sammy away at the end of last season. He said, ‘I can do this by myself.’ So there’s a certain consequence to all this that is almost more interesting to us than the actual demon part.”
We’re interested to see where this story in particular goes, given that Dean is such a powerful force of nature even when he does not have this sort of problem to deal with. Eventually, it could take some help from his friends / his brother to shake this and come back to his human self; unfortunately, the thing about help is that you have to be willing to receive it. (We do hope that this comes up before the big 200th episode.)
For the time being, we of course welcome any and all of your theories regarding Dean and what comes next for him in the comments. You can also sign up now for our newsletter to secure more scoop via email.
Photo: The CW
July 22, 2014 @ 2:10 am
Does Carver remember that it was Sam who kept pushing Dean away all season? No? Funny. Carver doesn’t blame Sam for anything, and he blames Dean for everything.
I will be amazed by Demon!Dean because of Jensen Ackles, and I’d advise Carver to start watching his own show.
July 22, 2014 @ 3:07 am
Couldn’t have said it better myself, silver. If I could give you more than one thumbs up (or whatever that mark is, I would). No, Carver is once again going to make Sam the victim in all of this.
I just hope Demon Dean sticks around for at least as long as Soulless Sam did. 10 episodes would be about right. For those who are disturbed by this story I suggest they go watch something else. It’s about time the show gave Jensen Ackles and Dean a story like this. I just hope they don’t abort it like the Purgatory/Benny arc, and cure Dean after 3 episodes. That wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
July 22, 2014 @ 1:27 am
I think Jensen Ackles is going to do some amazing things with this storyline! Dean Winchester pushes the envelope all the time and he is the king of taking responsibility/beating himself up so to see his moral compass pointing in every direction will be very interesting! Can’t wait for season 10! Bring on Demon Dean and Redeemed Dean!