‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: So much for the Donny questions…
Earlier in our “Big Brother 16‘ review, we started to question whether or not Donny may actually be a good player in disguise thanks to the way that he can make people connect with him and feel bad because of some of the things that they say and do. He may not realize it, but he’s a pretty good manipulator in that sense.
Unfortunately, the problem with him is that he is a gossip, and everyone has started to realize that this guy is actually a pretty big threat in the game. He can win competitions, get along with people, and you know that if he makes it to the end of the game, it will be so very easy for people to vote for him to win. Also, you don’t want him in jury. He’ll get his feelings hurt, hold a grudge, and probably won’t vote for you to win. He’ll forgive a lot, but we don’t think that he would forgive that.
In a conversation tonight, but Christine and Amber got together and agreed that Donny does need to leave the game soon, mostly because he is excellent at stirring up trouble. While Donny doesn’t quite know it, Derrick did a good job at pinning him for the Team America rumor getting spread around from one person to the next.
If the two are going to get rid of him, though, they may actually opt to backdoor him. That way, he cannot compete in the Power of Veto (which he is very good at), and he also cannot find a way to get off of the block somehow. If Donny does make it to a Thursday eviction still in that chair, we feel like people will have a much easier time casting him out.
Personally, though, we like the guy and want him to stay. We find his demeanor entertaining, even if he never quite knows when to stop rattling on.
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Photo: CBS