‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: A Battle of the Block and a frog costume

Big Brother -“Who wants to see my frog costume?” At some point over the past hour or so in the “Big Brother 16” house before the feeds came back on, this statement was probably shouted.

So who was it by? It was none other than … Nicole! As planned, her team of Caleb and Jocasta managed to lose the Battle of the Block, and she is no longer Head of Household. This means that both Donny and Amber are going to be safe for another week, and she has to wander around the house as a frog for the rest of the week in one of the show’s always sadistic (but also always entertaining) punishments.

The reason why Caleb was supposedly planning to throw the competition was all a part of a larger scheme by Derrick. It’s no secret that Devin is public enemy #1, and if there is a way to get rid of him this week, most everyone will. Even if Derrick thinks about keeping him, he’s suddenly going to get a target on his back. Having Caleb play in the Power of Veto is integral to ensuring that Devin doesn’t win if he is picked. Derrick already told Cody that he is also picking him to play if he gets houseguest’s choice.

In a conversation not long after the feeds came back up, Derrick told Caleb to tell no one that he threw the competition, not even Frankie since they’ve already caught on to his game of floating around the house with information.

So why have Jocasta up there if the goal is to make sure Devin doesn’t win the Veto? We feel like this is more of an easy backup plan if Derrick wants a safe eviction that few people are going to get upset about. She doesn’t have any super-close allies in the game, and the two quibbled a little last night about his strategy. Caleb could also be an option given that there are some who wanted him out this week before even Devin, but we’re not sure Derrick should want that. It’s nice to have a bigger threat than you already as long as it is a threat you can trust.

Surprised at the result of the competition, or the frog costume that is significantly less cool than the one in Super Mario Bros. 3? Share below, and click here to grab some more “Big Brother” updates from us now. You can also sign up in the event you want even more news from us via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: CBS

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