‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Christine and the 7-5 plan

Christine -We have heard of crazy schemes in the “Big Brother” house for years, but this one related to the upcoming vote has to be one of the craziest.

Christine and a few others (namely Frankie, who is starting to wise up a little after an off two days) have been plotting today the way that some of the votes should fall, and one of her favorite ideas right now, as explained to some of their allies, is a 7-5 vote that will ensure that Zach stays, but also be close enough to cause all sorts of chaos in the house among some of the power players like Devin, Frankie, and Caleb. We’re of two minds about this right now.

The case for it – Absolute hilarity. We love watching Devin’s head explode frequently, and we can imagine his tirades thinking that just one vote kept him from being able to get Zach out of the game. It also masks any other alliances that are going on in the game.

The case against it – Christine, Nicole, and many of the others are obviously taking a big gamble in going through with this that everyone votes like they claim they are going to. What this may just show more than anything else is that Christine is at least not that invested in Zach staying, since this is a lot of theater to go through to make sure that it happens. We understand the desire to keep him around (he’s a great shield to guarantee another week in the game), but this can blow up in your face very easily.

The smart thing here is that Frankie and Christine have at least constructed this idea in a way that they can blame votes on others, and keep most of the blood off of their hands. We really hope this goes down as they plan it, since it would make this week so far all the more excellent.

Tonight has otherwise been fairly quiet, except for a fight between some of the girls and the guys that involved both food and condoms filled up with water. Not a lot to talk about here from a game perspective, but it’s worth flashing back to (around 7:30 p.m. BB Time) if you want some silly entertainment.

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Photo: CBS

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