‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: The final members of Team America

Big Brother -We thought about spending some time in our final “Big Brother 16” update of the day discussing more of the crazy eviction chatter, but that is basically akin to going down the same road time and time again. With both Zach and Paola campaigning and with people fighting on both sides for them and against them. (The real major players here for now seem to be Cody, Derrick, and Amber.)

So let’s talk a little Team America! We didn’t even need the show to find out today that the final two members of this secret alliance are Frankie and Derrick, which means that these two and Donny were basically forced into working together. We’d say that this is a sign that America does not like female players, but Joey was voted on the team first. (Personally, we would’ve put Christine on over Frankie given his gameplay the past 24 hours or so.)

We’re still waiting to see just how this alliance will impact the game, mostly because it’s unclear if their “tasks” are going to be silly things like in “Big Brother Canada,” or serious things like what Eric Stein had in season 8. For example, them being told who to vote out could save Zach’s life in the house, and you know that production would love to keep this guy around for the crazy.

In the end, what we really perceive the formation of this alliance (who seem to be embracing it so far) as just another sign that this week is going to get even nuttier. If all season plays out like this, we could be looking at one of the top seasons ever.

Want to get some further updates from the “Big Brother” live feed? Then head over to the link here! That’s where you can find out some more about Zach and his crazy day in the house. Also, be sure to sign up if you want to get some other updates now via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: CBS

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