‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Is Frankie’s game starting to go off-course?

Frankie -For the first week in the game, we thought that Frankie Grande really had “Big Brother 16” all figured out. Obviously, he has the pre-built-in following thanks to his sister Ariana, but he had likability, challenge prowess, and a great social game in the house.

Now, he seems to be going pretty crazy, and for no good reason other than that he flutters around those with the power. He has spent most of tonight working to orchestrate what is the big plan of the day: Trying to make sure that Zach gets sent home this week … and we’re really still not sure what the motives here are other than that Zach’s a little bit of a loose cannon.

Frankie has also put himself out there way more than he had to in order to rile Devin up about nominating him, saying that Zach threatened to do some things to some of the women in the house that he really didn’t do, twisting words, and some other stuff. The problem Frankie is running into here is that Devin is Mr. Loose Lips, and sooner or later, this stuff will come back to Zach, who can then blow up Frankie to the rest of the house. Since Frankie and the rest of his allies this week are safe, why bother putting yourself out there? If Zach didn’t go home this week, there will be other opportunities.

Still, we feel like his nomination tomorrow is likely, which is a shame given that he brings such fun to the house. He’s been wandering around claiming that he wants to be evicted, and we’re not sure if he really means that or is trying to just do some Dr. Will Kirby next-level stuff to psychologically trick everyone else in the game. The difference is that when Will told everyone to vote him out, he was pretty sarcastic about it. Zach’s just crazy.

If Devin keeps his mouth shut, Frankie’s gameplay tonight may not hurt him in the long run; but he’s playing a dangerous game when he doesn’t need to be, and that’s a sign of a player too interested in looking like the mastermind all the time. This is not even guaranteed to work, given that Caleb and Derrick have pitched other ideas.

For happier times with Frankie and Zach, read our review now of tonight’s all-new episode of “Big Brother.” You can also check out some more feed updates in the sidebar, or click here for more via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

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