‘Big Brother 16’ review: In which Donny becomes even more awesome

Donny -Big Brother 16” Wednesday night was so entertaining that we don’t quite know where to start. Christine proved yet again to be a great player, while Nicole showed off her fear of ghosts, the guys developed enormous heads, and the editors tried to convince us that Zach actually wanted to win that Power of Veto Competition when he really just wanted to ensure that he didn’t look like an idiot.

Since you already knew from our live feed updates that Donny won the Power of Veto, saved himself, and Joey got named as a replacement nominee, there’s no real need to focus on that. Let’s instead talk about some of the other stuff we enjoyed.

Secret Agent Donny – We loved from an entertainment standpoint loving Devin and Caleb think that Donny is ex-military just because of his socks. This is eye-roll gameplay at its finest. While there was Project DNA years ago, most of the time nobody in this game completely lies about who they are completely. Matt in season 12 is one of the few who has done it completely during the game, and that was only with an illness for his wife.

Who is the worst player? – This is a funny debate. Devin called Joey the “worst player in ‘Big Brother’ history,” which he may also be a candidate of. The only reason he is safe is because he’s a meat shield for Caleb. That’s it. He stinks at everything else, and the best part of it is that he is SO delusional that he actually thinks that he is good.

Veto odds and ends – The bug costumes and “Miami Lice” as a name was all sorts of fun. You know what else was? Getting to see the Bomb Squad all bomb at spelling. This should be a lesson to future players to, instead of trying to make the letters fit a word, try to make a word with the letters you have. That’s going to be a lot easier for you in the long run.

Caleb’s “Godfather” music – This scene of Joey admitting her “women’s alliance” to Caleb was so ridiculous, since the show tried to make it look like her guilty plea actually meant something. The edit of Joey was probably our least-favorite part of the episode, though, since the show left out so much of the good stuff. (Speaking of omissions, where in the world was the Zach – Frankie alliance still? It’s been our favorite on the feeds.)

This episode was overall so much fun, even with our complaints. There has yet to be a classic “Big Brother” episode this season, but there at least have been some great ones to start off a promising season. Grade: B+.

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Photo: CBS

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