‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: The original nominees and broken alliances

Devin -There has now been a full evening and early morning of “Big Brother 16” updates, and thanks to that we have a better sense than ever about what life is like in this madhouse. Suffice it to say, there’s a lot going on.

What we want to talk about first, though, is what was the biggest surprise to us from the feeds: That Zach and Frankie seem to have turned their contentious relationship into a real alliance. They spent so much time talking that we feel like their final 2 deal is not entirely fake, either. This actually does make some sense; if people think that they don’t like each other, they may be able to navigate this game relatively undetected.

As for some other alliances, the women’s alliance seems to already be dead, and the same goes for the “Crazy Eights.” Even the “Double-D” alliance with Donny and Devin is hurt now that Donny is on the block. There is another alliance floated around out there called the “Bomb Squad,” but nobody really seems to be on the same page with it other than that it may have eight people, with Devin being one of them.

In getting back into the nominations, Brittany and Victoria were the two nominees that Frankie chose, supposedly due to how they did in the Head of Household Competition. This is somewhat surprising because Frankie and Victoria got along so well right out of the gate. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter too much given that they won the Battle of the Block, and are safe for the week.

Donny seems to be the primary target to send home right now, but a lot hinges on the Veto. There are some who want to backdoor Joey for supposedly starting the women’s alliance, even though it was really more Paola. The only reason Paola may stick around is just because nobody takes her seriously at all. There’s already a feeling of guilt getting rid of Donny, though, given that most feel like he is a very good guy who wants to be there. We’ll have to see what happens, given there is a ton of time left.

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Photo: CBS

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