‘Arrow’ season 2 finale: A look back at a cut Oliver – Felicity kiss
For all of you Olicity shippers out there (trust us, we’re among you), we hate to rub a little bit of salt in the wound from the “Arrow” finale last May; but, the confirmed news of a cut kiss is something that does merit at least a little discussion.
According to E! News, there was in fact a kiss filmed between Oliver and Felicity that was filmed during the season 2 finale, presumably during that whole “I love you” scene at Queen Manor when the plan was first put into motion to trick Slade Wilson into kidnapping her.
What does this mean? For the sake of the show, a little bit of purity. While there would have been a part of us fist-pumping to the sky had that kiss been aired on TV at the time, we would have been emotionally crushed further when it was revealed that this was all a ploy. Not having that kiss in the episode allows for the canon of the show to be such that the two characters did not lock lips, and therefore if and when they do for the first time, it will actually mean something. Given how upset some were with Oliver for leading Felicity along in the first place in the moment, they may have been waving picket fences around has the scene gone down as originally filmed.
We still have the same opinion about Olicity that we always have: We want it to happen, but we’re not in a hurry for it. We already know that Felicity is there and waiting, but as a character she deserves the chance to be actually pursued for a change. The idea of a new love interest joining the show is to us a good thing, since this will make Oliver actually address his feelings. He did this to an extent with Barry, but the appearance was so short that it may have never reached a truly romantic level with him.
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Photo: The CW
June 18, 2014 @ 11:43 am
I am so torn. I want to see the full scene so very badly, but I am so glad that it was cut. I was their first kiss to be between them and not just a ruse for a mad man. That said, I LOVE that Oliver was in the Arrow suit and that it was in the middle of a mission. How exciting! I also think that scene on the beach means even more with the whole “We both did.”
I cannot wait for Felicity to have a wealthy, intelligent man pursue her. I cannot wait for Oliver to realize that she’s not going to wait forever. I can’t wait for Oliver to see that his life will be better with her – and that he can have her and the life that he leads. I cannot wait for Felicity to discover that Oliver’s loving her is not unthinkable after all. Most of all I love this slow burn, and the way the writers are growing this organically. It’s awesome.
October needs to hurry up and get it here!
June 17, 2014 @ 9:59 pm
As much as I would fight, steal, bite, claw (you get the point) to see
that I’m glad they waited. When it happens and IT WILL happen because
Olicity is amazing and Amell and Rickards have a chemistry which cannot
be denied, we’ll know it’s completely legit and they can’t hide behind
“the mission”. I want that deleted scene, but I understand. Oliver and
Felicity’s relationship is so beautiful and organic that they are worth
the wait. This just makes me want Season 3 right now. Season 3 is the
beginning of it all. Now that they are throwing Ted, did I say Ted I
meant Daniel, lol. into the mix it will really heighten the tension and
bring emotions bubbling to the surface. If our lovable but geeky Barry
Allen had Oliver a little ticked off, I can only imagine what he will do
when a genius tech savvy billionaire comes sniffing around the
beautiful, intelligent and wonderfully witty Felicity Smoak.
June 17, 2014 @ 9:50 pm
I agree with all of this. But umm, i’m gonna need to see that clip. Hahaha, be on the DVD please.