‘True Blood’ season 7 spoilers: A hookup that will have you unhinged

True Blood -Sometimes, we have “True Blood” stories to discuss here that are pretty concrete and based on official details from HBO, and then other times we have some stories that are definitely vague. Today, it is fair to say that what we have qualifies as a little more of the latter.

Per a new report from TVLine, the upcoming second episode of season 7 is going to contain what may go down as one of the most shocking sex scenes that the show has ever produced. What can we tell you now? It’s not much, but the following teases may still be worth your while.

  1. The characters at the center of this are both of the same gender.
  2. Neither one of these characters is gay.
  3. This occurs in the second episode of the season.

Intrigued? Well, we might be depending on how this is handled. Sometimes, the show does things just to shock being, and if they are going to get together two straight character for a same-sex scene, we would definitely appreciate it if there is at least something in here to justify it. If that happens, then maybe this will be worth a little bit of the hype.

Many critics have already seen the early episodes of the season, and there is plenty of potential now to turn this into one of the most fang-tastic conclusions that you could ever hope for! Let’s just hope they learned a thing from another blood-focused drama in “Dexter” and don’t screw up the tail end of things.

What do you think about this news, and do you feel like there is anything that can really shock you at this point? Share below, and head over here if you do want to snag a key “True Blood” update related to Alexander Skarsgard’s Eric.

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Photo: HBO

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