‘The Amazing Race 24’ episode 10 preview: Will an injury ruin a team’s chances?
Sunday night’s new episode of “The Amazing Race” will feature a wonderful setting in Spain, which is where you would think there would be all sorts of great opportunities to experience the culture. Instead of getting all of that, though, we’re gong to have the show’s own version of “running with the bulls” … which looks kind of hilarious but also somewhat dangerous in its own right.
The tail end of the preview below certainly looks to be bad news for the Afghanimals, given that Jamal claims that he “cannot feel [his] kneecap” at some point either during or after the challenge. Could an injury kick he and his cousin Leo out of the race? There hasn’t ironically been an injury-related exit on the show since David & Connor, and when you look back over the years, this show has been fairly lucky that there have been very few medical situations that have arisen compared to “Survivor.”
With all this being said, we’d hate for an injury to cause any team to lose, regardless of if you love the Afghanimals or hate them more than any other team. We’ve found them consistently entertaining from start to finish, even if this new “Accidental Alliance” (which isn’t really accidental, since they decided to form it) comes across as extremely pompous and smug against Brendon & Rachel.
The Afghanimals are going to get a chance to U-Turn another team for the first time ever without being U-Turned themselves this episode, so we are going to be interested in seeing what happens with that. Meanwhile, we find ourselves really rooting for Team “Big Brother” thanks to the other teams’ irrational hatred for them. Somehow, U-Turning Dave & Connor is an egregious move, when we probably would’ve done the same thing in their shoes. While Dave may be 60 years old, he’s part of an extremely strong team!
We’ll be back later this weekend with more “Amazing Race” coverage, so be on the lookout for that. Also, sign up now for more TV updates via our CarterMatt Newsletter.
Photo: CBS