‘American Idol XIII’: Jena Irene, Alex Preston voted ‘no’ on twist vote
Remember all of those claims about the vote staying “anonymous” on Thursday night’s “American Idol XIII” results show? Well, that stayed out there about as long as the show’s ratings were actually still great earlier this season.
Through a series of interviews after the show, it was none other than Alex Preston and Jena Irene who were revealed to be the artists confident enough to vote “no” on the twist, which ensured that one of the top 5 would be sent home on the show. In the end, that person was Sam Woolf, who couldn’t survive being at the bottom for the second time. There was a part of watching the results show that was hilarious thanks to this twist, given that you could clearly tell that the producers (and the judges, based on their faces) fully expected everyone to want to stay the course with five singers for another week.
After the show ended, the one thing that we can definitely confirm for you today is that not all of the contestants were happy about being forced into this situation. They thought that they would be judged strictly on America’s vote, and would not be subjected into doing something that was pretty cruel to the other contestants as though they were competing on a different show. Here is what many of them wrote about it on their Twitter accounts after the fact.
Alex Preston – “That twist was not cool. Didn’t make sense at all. Should have just kept it the same. Whatever. Sam HAS a career, he’s about to explode. Everyone voted tonight, knowing that they themselves could go home. No one knew. It is Americas vote, has been for 13 years. It’s sh***y.”
Sam Woolf – “Stop hating on Alex and Jena. No one knew what the results were before the decisions were made. Anybody could of went home.”
Jena Irene – “So unnecessary and stupid.”
Jessica Meuse – “So was that twist reminiscent of the @TheHungerGames or what? #ew #hateit #mean”
Caleb Johnon didn’t comment via social media, but he is not a frequent tweeter like many of the other contestants.
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Photo: Fox
Amelia Bruno
May 2, 2014 @ 9:35 pm
Sam will mature and become a wonderful artist. I am proud of Jena and
Alex for protecting our votes. It is a competition after all. Shame on
the producers for trying to drive a wedge between these kids who appear
to genuinely like each other. I implore the voters to judge the final
four on their singing merits. No one should be punished for demonstrating courage of their convictions.