‘The Amazing Race 24’ episode 8 review: Brendon, Rachel, and U-Turn drama
“The Amazing Race” occasionally has episodes where no matter how hard it tries to make things dramatic, nothing really works out for them. We’ll have a little bit more on that later … but U-Turn drama first!
The show spent a good 15-20 minutes tonight dealing with Brendon & Rachel’s choice to U-Turn Dave & Connor, and the subsequent aftermath of that. Both Dave and Brendon each came across as very self-righteous about it. Dave, who cares if you are 60 years old? You’re an excellent racer, and you have the track record that proves it. If we were Brenchel, though, our strategy would have been to U-Turn someone like the Afghanimals (who Dave & Connor went after) or the Globetrotters, since you knew that they were probably behind you by a good bit, and this is much more of a safety net. You may never even see them again to see their rage at you.
So while Brenchel got another first-place leg, the cowboys did a good job of making themselves endearing in the process. We dig the Afghanimals and always have, but waiting for Dave & Connor? Are the father / son team masters of mind control or something? Leo & Jamal did still end up in third behind the cowboys and Brenchel, though.
But, the problem we have with this episode as a whole is that everything was for naught, since Flight Time & Big Easy were far enough behind that it was pretty obvious that they were going home. This just happens on the show sometimes, and given that it was obvious that these two were going home the entire way, there was no drama with their exit. We do love the guys, though, and are going to miss them as entertainment. We never thought they were going to win, but it’s fun having them around. Grade: C.
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Photo: CBS