‘The Big Bang Theory’ season 7 spoilers: Sheldon and a psychic

Big Bang Theory -We didn’t get a chance to review this past episode of “The Big Bang Theory,” but after watching it, there really was not even that much to say about it. Howard had a fiasco with diarrhea in Emily’s bathroom back when he went on a blind date with her, and Sheldon doesn’t know what to do with his future. The best part of the whole thing was just him falling asleep with a geology book of all things and drunk-dialing Stephen Hawking.

This next episode is entitled the “Anything Can Happen Recurrence,” and once it is over, there will only be three more in the entire season. It’s insane to think that this television season has gone by this quickly, but it has. This photo above features Sheldon and Penny (who looks like she is about to crack up at any given second) visiting a psychic. In our brain, we like to think that this is a new attempt for Sheldon to figure out what he wants to do with his life next, while for Penny, it’s just an opportunity to be ridiculously entertained.

We really like the idea of this story for Sheldon, even if it hasn’t produced comedy gold yet outside of a geology book. There was only so much comedy that could be mined from a theory that he wasn’t able to prove in two decades of research, and seeing him take on something more tangible and either succeed / fail at it could be priceless. Anything to draw a larger emotional reaction out of him. The only person that needs a bigger story with their career right now is Raj, and maybe that will be explored after he is done dating.

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Photo: CBS

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