‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ finale preview: A sad moment for Kenya Moore

The latest -It’s so easy to be snarky when it comes to “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” most of the time; the ladies on this show fight, battle each other for authority, and there are moments where we even start to question how in the world some of these people function in their day-to-day lives.

With all of this being said, though, there are still some things in life that can manage to bring together people from all sorts of backgrounds, personalities, incomes, and more: Losing someone you love, whether it be a person or a pet. So while we’ve rolled our eyes at Kenya Moore aplenty this season, we do feel for her in the sneak-peek video below from Sunday’s finale as she tries to handle the loss of her dog Velvet. It’s an instantly-relatable subject of conversation that if you’ve had pets, you immediately start to think about some of them you have lost over the years.

Away from the sadness of this story, there is some other stuff going down that will be more of the traditional “Real Housewives” flavor, with drama and eye-rolling left and right. Check out the full synopsis below for more:

“It’s just days before the debut of Kandi’s musical, and ticket sales are far from booming.NeNe returns from her travels experiencing unusual pains, causing her to seek medical attention. As Phaedra nears the end of her mortuary science journey, Apollo reveals his concern for their marriage.”

Regardless of what happens this episode, we know already that the season is going to end on a bitter note courtesy of the still-to-air reunion show, which drew plenty of headlines during its taping alone for a fight that broke out during it.

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Photo: Bravo

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