‘Big Brother Canada 2’ live feed spoilers: The latest; plus, how long will feeds be down?

The latest -There is some bad news to report here from “Big Brother Canada’s” official Twitter account, and it definitely takes away some of the joy that many felt after hearing that they were going to have the power as Head of Household: There are major outages ahead on the live feeds.

Starting Saturday morning, the feeds will go down, and will not be up again until Sunday night after the conclusion of the show. Typically, we try to keep our bemoaning of outages to a minimum, mostly because we recognize that they are free for this show, and they are obligated to present whatever they want to viewers, even if that means “protecting” them by keeping nasty fights from getting online.

Just from a business standpoint, though, we don’t quite understand how this is a great decision. Wouldn’t you get so much attention online from the fallout of Canada’s nominations? It seems like that is easy publicity that you are costing yourself.  We still think that the diehard fans would watch anyway just for the confessionals and reactions. It just feels like we are getting deprived the best stuff of the season so far, and there is only so much that can make it onto the show.

As for a few assorted developments about what has happened tonight, it’s mostly been quiet since no one can really talk game without knowing what is going to happen. Most everyone believes that Andrew will go up, and there is some disputing the other nominee. Also, Andrew has made his case even worse by complaining about the twist with Sabrina, saying that Canada is “uneducated” about their lives and shouldn’t be involved in the decision-making process. We do understand where he’s coming from, mostly because if this twist was hurting some of our favorites, we are pretty darn certain we would be upset about it.

We’ll have another update tomorrow as to the happenings overnight, and we’ll sure we will come up with a thing or two to keep us excited about the game over the weekend. For now, just click here if you want to get some further updates from the feeds, and also our chat with Ika from earlier. You can also sign up to get even further updates from our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: Slice

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