‘Big Brother Canada’ live feed spoilers: The new Power of Veto winner is…

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Saturday night’s “Big Brother Canada 2” live feeds have hardly been as amazing as they were for Friday, mostly because we did have to go so much time without them. There was the Nomination Ceremony in the morning, and then, they were down for such a long stretch of time in the evening for the Power of Veto Competition.

Going into it, we knew that Ika was pretty much screwed at almost every turn. Thanks to the players involved in the challenge, Jon was basically the only feasible winner who may choose to keep nominations the same. Everyone else would use it on Allison (unless Heather won it for herself), and then we would see the replacement nominee be none other than the last Head of Household in the game.

By the time the feeds were actually back up and running, the majority of regular viewers were already in bed. But, we do have all sorts of results now (which include some bizarre punishments).

1. Allison won the Veto, which makes it even easier for Rachelle to backdoor Ika, since she has to put up somebody.

2. Kenny seemingly won some sum of money.

3. Rachelle has to wear a hot dog costume.

4. Sarah has some sort of pass to keep her away from slop for a while.

5. Jon has to swim laps in the pool (ironically where he hurt himself) whenever he hears a foghorn.

6. Heather has to do a ton of steps, which is also pretty cruel given her recent injury from the last Veto.

There are some movements happening already to convince everyone to take out Heather over Ika, mostly by Neda. Unfortunately, everyone else is continuing their tradition of refusing to listen to anything Neda wants.

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Photo: Slice

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