‘Orphan Black’ season 2: Tatiana Maslany shows off her many ‘clones’ in new posters
Let’s start off the discussion here with is obviously the one thing that they are doing incredibly right straight out of the gate: Giving you the man different looks of Tatiana Maslany. She is clearly the star of the show and a Golden Globe nominee, and you’re smart to implement her front and center. Also, you then have the notions of clones stacked on top of that, which makes things that much more interesting since you can show her off in so many different forms.
Then, there is the optical illusion where you can see both her looking forward, and also a profile at the same time. Then, you have the contrast of the bright colors with the shadows, the strong signage that gives you all the information that you need to know (great for casual fans), and also a smart slogan: “one of a kind.” Overall, these may be beyond a shadow of a doubt our favorite promotional posters of 2014 so far.
You can click on any of them to get a larger view, and remember that the new season starts on Saturday, April 19 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time. You can expect more clones than ever for this coming season, and also all sorts of crazy twists and turns that are going to keep things very interesting. If you are a fan of the first season, there is no reason to do anything other than watch or set your DVRs.
If you want to read some more great “Orphan Black” news, our simple suggestion for you today is to head over to the link here. You can also sign up to get more updates on all of the shows we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter.
Photo: BBC America