‘Big Brother Canada 2’ live feed spoilers: Ika’s regrets; Jon / Neda drama

Ika -After a few very eventful days in the “Big Brother Canada 2” house when it comes to alliances, twists, nominations, and a Veto, isn’t it okay that things slowed down for at least a few minutes on Tuesday? This was the quietest day in at least a few, but there were at least some important developments worth pointing out here.

1. First of all, Ika is already realizing that she made a big mistake not targeting one of the bigger players in the house, and is stuck now with two people in Heather and Paul who would have never really gone after her. It was a safe play, but sometimes, that isn’t necessarily the right play. The better one for Ika in this scenario would’ve been to take out a threat, since with Kenny / Andrew gone, the other one would have been the only seriously-intimidating male physical threat in the game.

2. Also, there’s a little distrust going on in the Neda / Jon alliance Jon heard from Arlie that he cannot trust her, thanks to an elaborate game of telephone that began with a statement about Andrew. They are trying to pick it up and move ahead, but we imagine that things have changed here somewhat. These two also are unaware of the First Five, and think that there will be a gender line in the sand between getting rid of Paul and Heather.

3. Sabrina has yet to make her play, but we know that it’s coming in the next 24 hours that she will convince the girls to try to vote out Paul, mostly so that it doesn’t look like she or Sarah is a hinky vote out there that exposes something weird in the house. For the sake of her game, she needs to get this vote unanimous.

We’ll have some other pressing updates in the morning, so come back then for more! Also, sign up for our CarterMatt Newsletter if you want to grab some other updates via email.

Photo: Slice

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