‘Big Brother Canada 2’ review: Diverging strategies
Clearly, “Big Brother Canada 2” wants you to go see the movie “Divergent.” It was everywhere in Wednesday night’s episode, whether it be the movie screening or what we had in the Power of Veto Competition itself. Just remember, though, when you are about to complain about this stuff: It helps keep this show air in Canada, so we cannot really complain that much about it.
The challenge itself, while having all that sponsorship attached to it, was still pretty cool to watch … at least for the most part. Our criticism of this week really begins with the move to make the end of this more or less the end of the episode. Where was the Veto Ceremony? Including that in the live show to us doesn’t make much sense, given that you also have to remember the drama in the house, the vote, the eviction, and the announcement of the twist and someone new entering the game.
That is going to make this new show feel rushed, and we didn’t really need to spend so long tonight talking about how great it was that Paul conquered a fear during the Veto. Why are we spending so much of the show talking about a terrible player? He’s only going to be likely safe this week because he’s so ineffective at just about everything. If he wins, we will go find the rock that Francesca threatened to eat on “Survivor” and eat it ourselves.
The one other thing that we are extremely worried about when it comes to the rest of the season? The fact that when it comes to the drama, the editors over at Slice are being extremely protective of what they want to show us. Hopefully that is going to change when it comes to Thursday’s show, given that there are so many nuclear fights that have taken place since the ceremony that we would love to see. But, like we said, there’s a time issue. With the feeds being cut so much and the show spending so much on sponsors, it feels like we are going to be missing a good bit of the social part of this experiment. Grade: C+.
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Photo: Slice