‘The X Factor’ USA: Alex & Sierra release teaser for new music from studio

Alex & Sierra -If you pride yourself on being an enormous fan of Alex & Sierra, the moment that you have been waiting for is here: The duo has unveiled at least a brief teaser of some of what they have been working on in the studio … and it’s really good.

While we understand that it’s hard to make a full judgment on any song without hearing the entire thing, the Instagram video below from the former “X Factor” winner’s Instagram feed suggests that they will be going for a sound that incorporates a little bit of folk, pop, indie rock, and maybe even the tiniest hint of R&B. It sounds a little bit like Jason Mraz (one of Alex’s musical heroes) mixed with Adele mixed with Gwen Stefani, but that is just to our own set of ears based on a very small sample.

This song obviously does not have a title yet, and we don’t even know most of the lyrics; but, it’s a nice start for a pair who is hoping to have an album out later this year. They have some of the best talent to come out of this show during its three-year run, and they have both that and originality going for them. Also, we feel like having a preexisting relationship will at least be beneficial as they try to navigate the occasionally-difficult waters that are fame, and having a very different life than what you did previously. There is someone with you who was a part of that journey from the beginning, and will understand everything that you’re going through.

Hopefully, the two will put out some more teaser videos in the coming weeks so we have even more opportunities to hear what they have to say.

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Photo: Fox

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