‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ episode 17 review: What going ‘Full Boyle’ really looks like

The past few weeks of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” have been very funny, whether you are talking about the Super Bowl episode, an appearance from Craig Robinson, and also some good stuff for Jake and Santiago.

But did the episode keep that momentum going yet again Tuesday night? In a word, yes. “Full Boyle” was a half-hour stuffed full of fun and other craziness, whether you were talking about Boyle actually making a major move forward in his personal life, or Gina trying to help Ray Holt keep an important post to him by arranging a dance troupe with a super-inappropriate name. Also, we learned that Brooklyn has a superhero named Super Dan, who runs around the streets, watches crime, and then tries to report it like any model citizen should.

The main event here is still clearly the news that there is an engagement now between Charles and Vivian, and it came even after Jake thought he was going too fast. As it turns out, this was a woman who was going equally Full Boyle to him. They are either both insanely crazy about each other, or just plain crazy. Jake’s double-date where he tried to restrain him was perfect for so many reasons, in between all the terrible non-sequiters and also Jake having to be terrible to a woman who was perfect for him in almost every way. Also, a pepper spray fight in hot dog water!

Do you really think that this engagement is going to last? While it’s fun to see Marilu Henner do comedy time and time again, we’re still doubtful … mostly because Diaz seems to be more his destiny. But, this is about as fun of a detour as you can get. “Full Boyle” is one of the silliest episodes of the show to date, but it’s also one that we laughed almost continuously. That still has us excited for the rest of the season. Grade: A-.

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