‘Sherlock’ season 3 finale review: Mycroft, Moriarty and is there a third Holmes brother?
The “Sherlock” season 3 finale is here already just two weeks after the premiere and although it’s been a very short ride, it was definitely worth the two year wait. (Caution: Spoilers ahead).
This season we’ve listened to the tall tales of how Sherlock faked his own death, Watson’s reaction to finding out Sherlock was alive (it involved a lot of anger), and Watson and Mary getting married as well as learning that they have a baby on the way. In seasons past each episode had a big bad attached to a very in-depth case that Sherlock and Watson had to solve, but the first two episodes didn’t have that this go around. Have you been missing that? So have we.
Since the wedding Watson hasn’t seen Sherlock in a month and Sherlock has a girlfriend, (Janine the bridesmaid from Watson’s wedding.) Sherlock was a virgin when this series began (and we haven’t seen him kissing anyone), so watching him kissing this random woman is a little anti-climatic for us as a viewer. Shippers of Irene Adler and Sherlock or Molly and Sherlock (Molly is no longer engaged) are likely imploding at the moment. We expected a bit more from this moment and we are a little disappointed to say the least. At least Sherlock is still a virgin.
Charles Augustus Magnussen: Finally we have a real villain this season. He’s smart, creepy and nasty… the baron of blackmail. Watching his first interaction with Sherlock was completely mind boggling as he came into Sherlock’s apartment, peed in his fireplace and walked out as he tells Sherlock the will not turn over the incriminating letters of Sherlock’s client. He decides to break into Charles office to get the letters and we learn that Janine is Charles’ personal assistant… so with her help (and a proposal from Sherlock) she opens the door for him and Watson. Did he really just propose to get into an office? He did, but luckily it’s not a proposal that will stick.
When Sherlock finds Charles he is on his knees at gun point while a woman has a gun trained on him. Who is the woman? When she turns around we see that it’s Mary. Sherlock offers to help her no matter what Charles has on her but instead she shoots Sherlock. Watson comes upstairs to find Sherlock on the ground and the shooter is gone.
Sherlock decides not to tell John about Mary shooting him, but tricks her into telling John herself. As angry as John is, he sits down with her and Sherlock and they listen to Mary’s story. She hands John a flash drive that reveals all information about who she really is and tells John not to look at it until he’s ready to no longer love her. After months of holding onto the flash drive Watson decides not to learn anything about Mary’s past, burns the flash drive and wants to move forward with her. Unfortunately Charles is still holding all of Mary’s secrets.
Sherlock makes a deal with Charles and sells him Mycroft… more so, Mycroft’s secrets. In exchange he will hand over all of Mary’s information. Sherlock’s real plan was to bring Mycroft’s secrets (his computer with a GPS) to where Charles and all of his secrets are held (his vault) and there he will be busted. Sherlock learns that the one major mistake he made is that there are no physical vaults at this location, they are all in his head. Charles tells them that they will be arrested shortly for trying to sell state secrets to him. When Mycroft shows up in a helicopter with the Calvary Sherlock decides to shoot Charles in cold blood to end his hold over everyone including Mary and John.
Mycroft works out a deal to stop Sherlock from going to jail, but it involves him working for MI6 and going on a six month mission that will surely end in his death. Only four minutes into his exile Mycroft brings him back for one very important reason…. Moriarty is back! Oh how we’ve missed Moriarty and we hope that with his return that Irene Adler will also be on the horizon too.
The one thing that was very subtle, but worth mentioning here, is that during a conversation between Mycroft and a co-worker he lets it slip that there was a third Holmes brother that is seemingly dead. This is very interesting and something that we are dying with curiosity about as much as the idea of Moriarty coming back. This season has sorely been lacking a great villain and while we thought Charles was pretty good, he was barely used. Grade: B
What did you think of “Sherlock” season 3? Was it worth the wait? Are you excited for Moriarty to come back? Leave us a comment with your thoughts and concerns moving into “Sherlock” season 4.
Photo: BBC One
January 20, 2014 @ 1:12 am
Although this is probably a stupid theory, couldn’t Moriarty be their adoptive brother? It’s highly illogical that he’d be there actual brother since he’s Irish, but maybe their parents adopted Moriarty because they liked that he was smart just as Mycroft and Sherlock were, but soon learned that he grew up in a very bad family. Possibly Moriarty lived with them for a short amount of time but was very cruel so (referencing back to “Don’t be absurd. I’m not given to outbursts of brotherly compassion. You know what happened to the other one.” ) Mycroft or Sherlock or both got fed up and.. Yeah, I really have no idea where I’m going with this… But I do think that Moriarty is this ‘3rd Brother’, just not their genetic family member. Something happened between Moriarty, Mycroft, and Sherlock long before they became adults, that’s all I’m trying to say.
January 20, 2014 @ 1:14 am
January 14, 2014 @ 3:47 pm
We were told to watch the end credits of episode 3. “Miss me” is said by “Moriarty” and an arrow misses someone in another show. This actor that is missed by the arrow may be in season 4, possibly the 3rd brother.
Cam Hasbrouck
January 14, 2014 @ 4:41 am
I caught the line and it got me wondering…. also, when Moriarty is teasing sherlock as he’s dying, Moriarty says “Mommy and Daddy will cry”…. without the word “your”…. coincidence? perhaps not.
January 15, 2014 @ 9:38 pm
Well thought!!
January 14, 2014 @ 4:31 am
theres no way moriarty is the third brother. i think both Sherlock and Mycroft would recognize him as their brother if he were…
January 15, 2014 @ 9:39 pm
Correct, why would moriarty need to know all of sherlocks info from mycroft otherwise!
January 13, 2014 @ 3:04 pm
Sherlock is still a virgin. Janine said she would have liked to at least once and he said he was saving himself for marriage, at which point she responded, “But there wasn’t going to be a marriage.”
And am I the only one that thinks the whole “normal parents” thing is way off? What about the flashback to the big house (Redbeard also seemed a forced, odd sentimentality–something I’ve noticed Steven Moffat does a lot, he’s not always good at building a slow heat of emotion, instead occasionally relies on cliches to grab his audience) but then, at Christmas they’re at a warm, cozy house? The parents don’t seem so distant and cold as Mycroft and Sherlock have alluded. Parents seemed flighty, but not completely detached to the point they foster increased oddness and contempt from their boys to each other (however many that may be).
January 13, 2014 @ 7:01 pm
The “big house” was only in Sherlock’s mind palace.
Sophie Hicks
January 15, 2014 @ 5:33 pm
If sherlock is still a virgin, the what explains Janine in his shirt and fumbling around in the bathroom with him??
David Capito
January 13, 2014 @ 5:55 am
When Mycroft said something along the line of “look what happened to the other brother” I assumed that the villain of this episode was the third brother.
(Edited to add, that, yes, this would be weird given that this episode’s villain is from the books)
January 13, 2014 @ 2:47 am
He is it obvious or in words of sherlock “Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.’Sherlock Holmes Quote-The Sign of Four”
January 12, 2014 @ 10:41 pm
Could Moriarty be the 3rd brother????
January 13, 2014 @ 12:08 am
Yes!!!! He has to be!!! It would be perfect!
January 13, 2014 @ 4:56 am
Hell no thats an absolutely stupid idea, are you mentally ill?
pick a name
January 13, 2014 @ 1:38 am
hope not, would be very obvious having all the genii be from the same family