‘Game of Thrones’ season 4 spoilers: New details about filming locations

While we don’t have a “Game of Thrones” holiday treat here in the form of a new trailer for the upcoming fourth season (though that would have been very nice), we do nonetheless come with something else that we believe most diehard fans will surely appreciate: A few more details about some of the travels that were taken to produce the scenes for this coming season. There were three countries visited this year in Northern Ireland, Iceland, and Morocco, and there were also plenty of separate cities in there, as well. Every one of these locations brings with it a unique story, and a place within the mythology in the George R.R. Martin adaptation.

Now, we have a few details about what some of the separate filming units did in order to make the magic happen. In a new post on the Making of Game of Thrones blog, Cat Taylor explained what the process was like this time working extensively in these countries, and some of the challenges that came up:

“For the ‘Game of Thrones’ crew, every year is a different type of adventure. This year, the Dragons took care of Iceland and the Wolves invaded Croatia for the better part of six weeks. Splitting filming time between Dubrovnik and the Dalmatian coastal town of Split, we caught up with Daenerys’ story in Slaver’s Bay after her spectacular victory at Yunkai, along with the new armies she commands. Then it was across the sea to the red-stone walls of King’s Landing and all the drama that continues to play out on the great stage that is Joffrey’s court.

“While there are some specific locations we can’t confirm for security reasons, it was amazing to be able to see so many places in such a beautiful country in such a unique way. The back streets of Old Town and the coastal hotels redressed into fortresses were a sight to see… And it’s not every day you have to cut because someone is doing speedboat tricks in the background of your scene. (Seriously.)”

The “Game of Thrones” set is one of those places that you hear about, and of course you want to go there. However, it’s not that long after that when you would start to realize just how much pain-staking work goes into making every little part of the show a success. Ultimately, we’re thrilled to be writing about it, and we can’t wait to see what happens next.

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