‘The Originals’ episode 5 video: Daniel Gillies’ Elijah offers up a ‘truce’

Meet the cast -For those of you who have wanted to see Daniel Gillies have more to do on “The Originals” (and we know that there are quite a few of you out there), there is some good news coming with Tuesday night’s episode: A chance to see him try to concoct a plan to actually get the witches and the vampires working on the same side for once in New Orleans. Remember here that there is a certain amount of value in trying to make this happen as they are each clearly in the minority by a large margin, and banding together would surely help them in the event that a new threat starts to weigh down on them.

The video below is mostly a reminder that Elijah is the voice of reason when it comes to the show, and he tries to tell Davina about his intentions not long after getting the dreaded dagger removed. (On a random note, does anyone else think that the “Davina” name is a little bit too close to “Elena”? Could be a little confusing if the two characters ever did decide to join forces.)

We’re excited to see where Elijah does end up figuring into the big picture of things in New Orleans, in particular since he is the most “moral” of many of these characters, but at the same time is it really a good thing to have a sense of right and wrong in this world? The other thing that you do have to remember in the process is that Elijah does still have a little bit of a dark side; it’s impossible for him not to, when you remember just who some of the characters are that he has had a relationship with over the years. (We’re looking at you, Katherine!)

This is going to be a fun episode as a whole, and based on what we are hearing now, this is going to build up to some very big things happening a little later on during the November sweeps.

Do you want to read some more news related to “The Originals”? Just be sure to visit the link here, where you can see another preview from this episode.

Photo: The CW

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