ABC’s ‘Scandal’ season 3, episode 2 review: Did Fitz admit to an affair with Olivia, or Janine?

Take a look -Just in case you did not think that “Scandal” could become any crazier, here’s a little bit of a shocker for you: It somehow managed to. “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” was an installment that did more than just provide some backstory into what Olivia Pope’s relationship is really like with her father Rowan; it also allowed us to see what exactly was happening in the present when it comes to Fitz deciding what is the best move for him to make when it comes to his personal life.

Did the President admit to an affair? Yes … but it was with Janine rather than Olivia. This was a woman who never actually slept with him, but for whatever reason has become the easy target. She is also a woman who decided in the end that it would be better to go along with the political games than dodging something that she couldn’t control. Therefore, she takes the fall in return for what is going to be a book deal and some hopeful retirement money.

As for the rest of this episode, it was an excellent plotline all about just how Olivia actually first met Huck when he was living at Union Station, and she slowly and surely unraveled things until a deal with her father allowed her to set him free. These were complicated negotiations, and this story in the past was a perfect parallel to the present how another man was set free in Jake Ballard. He’s back! Jake was delivered to the doorstop of Olivia at the start of the episode, and we assume that he could be a future Gladiator now as well.

Is the whole nature of Rowan’s operation a little suspect? Sure, but at least the series does a pretty good job of setting things up so that you genuinely feel the intensity. That’s all we can really ask for.

Overall, what did you think about this “Scandal” episode? Be sure to share some of your thoughts on the subject below! Meanwhile, click here if you do want to read some more news related to the show, and also catch a preview for the one airing next week.

Photo: ABC

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