‘Big Brother 16’ debate: What one-time players could return for redemption?

Moving on -When you look back at the history of “Big Brother,” who do you remember the most, and who do you want to see again? As we reflect on a pretty awful season 15 and look towards the future, this is a question that is definitely worth asking. While the show is at least going to be opening up casting, we would not be surprised if there is an all-returning player season coming up. So why not start to speculate about it now.

We are going to be doing a few of these lists over the next several days as we tie a bow around the summer season, and we thought that we would begin by tackling an interesting question for next season: If there were 16 houseguests brought back next summer who have only played once in the past, who would they be?

We’re not so much talking about an all-star season, but all of the people below have something to prove, and it could make for a very interesting season. Of course, it’s slants more towards modern seasons since many of the good older players have already had another shot. We’re also not just talking about players we like, given a season of nice people is pretty boring.

For those curious, we will do a list with some of those legendary players soon enough.

“Big Brother 16: Redemption”

Dominic Briones (13) – There to prove that he was a far more capable player than he got a chance to be in season 13, which was probably the most-unfair season out there.

Lisa Donahue (3) – There to prove that she was the right winner for season 3, as so many of us sit here and say that Danielle Reyes would have won had the jury been sequestered.

Frank Eudy (14) – There to prove that he can be a more cautious player who is not always so in-your-face.

Matt Hoffman (12) – There to prove that one mistake involving the Diamond Power of Veto should not define who you are as a gameplayer.

Russell Kairouz (11) – There to prove that there was a method to his madness when it came to being a hothead. (Plus, the idea of him and Amanda in the same house would basically turn it into a screaming match.)

Natalie Martinez (11) – There to prove that she is an underrated strategist, even if her social game is pretty terrible.

Shelley Moore (11) – There to prove that she can play really well without fear that America is going to burn down her house in the process.

Eddie McGee (1) – There to prove that he could play the modern game, too. (He’d probably never do it, but the idea of Chicken George as the only returning player from season 1 is pretty repulsive.)

Brittany Petros (1) – There to prove that she can be just as popular now as she was then, and win now that phone calls don’t determine who stays and who goes.

Jodi Rollins (14) – There to prove that she is worthy of more than a day in the house. It’s a weird choice, but we honestly feel sorry for her going through sequester and the tedious casting process for nothing.

Elissa Slater (15) – There to prove that she may play a better game with a cast that is not full of strictly hateful people, even if there are a couple of them.

Jun Song (4) – There to prove that being a floater is not a bad thing, and it used to have a much nicer meaning than what it has morphed into being in recent years.

Eric Stein (8) – There to prove that he could really play this game pretty well if he was not forced to keep Evel Dick in the game. Heck, he’s barely had an opportunity to play at all.

Ian Terry (14) – There to prove that him beating Dan Gheesling was not just the end result of a bitter jury.

Nick Uhas (15) – There to prove that he, like Dominic, left far before his time. Plus, he’d be there to prove that he can find a spot where he can be safe from GinaMarie.

Amanda Zuckerman (15) – There to prove that she’s learned something from the way that she acted, and that she can play without McCrae. (We’re sure that we’ll catch flack over this one, but we’re just getting you prepared for it. Her worst comments never aired on the show, and if Big Jeff can do interviews behind the scenes and Colton Cumbie can return to “Survivor,” she’ll be back since her racist comments never aired on the show.)

Who do you think could come back for another season? If you want to read some more “Big Brother” coverage, including updates from the live feeds, just be sure to visit the link here.

Photo: CBS

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