‘Dexter’ season 8, episode 8 preview: Are Dexter and Deb at war again?
Just when you think that everything for Dexter and Deb on “Dexter” season 8 is starting to come together in as nice and peaceful a manner, you then have a little someone in Hannah McKay re-entering the picture and messing things up.
Now that she’s back, what will Dexter do? For now, he appears to be interested in helping her get out of the country with passport in hand … but we all know that it is not going to be this easy. For one, Dexter clearly still has feelings for her, and it is very well possible that he is not going to allow her to go quietly into the night. Neither is Deb, but for an entirely different reason. She may even enlist the help of Elway, who would clearly do just about anything for her, in order to track her down.
As for the other problem that Dexter has to deal with, let’s face it: The moment you saw Zach Hamilton getting near Cassie in the preview for tonight’s episode, you knew that this was going to take a very dark turn. Now, Jamie’s friend and Dexter’s possible love interest is dead, and he may realize that it is time to do away with this monster, regardless of whether or not Dr. Vogel wants him to be taught Harry’s Code. (It clearly did not work when it comes to Cassie, who seemed to be as far away from a criminal as someone could possible be.)
With there only being five episodes left now until we are at the end, expect this to be the time when things truly start to heat up. Even Aimee Garcia has teased that there will be some dark times ahead for her character of Jamie, and we’re inclined to believe that she won’t be the only one to suddenly feel more and more of the horrors of this world.
Photo: Showtime
Robert Larsen
August 31, 2013 @ 10:15 pm
i can´t belive that dexter don´t seee that vogel play´s wrong
Sheila Isaac
August 12, 2013 @ 6:14 am
I don’t believe that Zack got something to do with the murder of Cassie, its to easy to believe that, that’s what the writers want us to believe. I’m sure there’s a twist somewhere.
August 12, 2013 @ 7:55 am
True, it might be that Ryan Gosling look-alike
Sheila Isaac
August 12, 2013 @ 6:14 am
I don’t believe that Zack got something to do with the murder of Cassie, its to easy to believe that, that’s what the writers want us to believe. I’m sure there’s a twist somewhere.