‘Pretty Little Liars’ season 4, episode 6 preview: Ashley Benson’s Hanna cut off

Pretty Little LiarsAs if being carted away in a cop car was bad enough, we now have being isolated from pretty much the rest of the world. That is the situation that Ashley Benson’s character of Hanna is in now moving into Tuesday night’s “Pretty Little Liars” season 4 episode. She has to handle the fact that there is a pretty heavy contingent of people in this world that simply are out to get her now (meaning the police), and her family is thus keeping any possible outsiders away from her … even Caleb.

In the video below, Hanna’s longtime boyfriend shows up in an effort to try and help out, but both her mother and father tell him to go away for the time being. By trying to bury the gun (which is crazy that she would even try to do at this point, given her own history of trying shady things that go very badly), she put herself in a position nearly as bad as what her mother is in.

But did Ashley really kill Wilden? All of the evidence points in her direction, but we still hold firm to the belief that she is probably innocent. Even though she has a motive and was clearly up to something shady when he was killed, we just can’t imagine any of the Liars’ parents being full-fledged killers.

What do you think about this video? If you want to see even more sneak peek clips from this week’s upcoming “Pretty Little Liars” episode, just be sure to visit the link here.

Photo: ABC Family

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